Invisalign aligner

When you glance at your reflection in the mirror, what do you see smiling back at you: Tilted, misaligned, gapped, and protruding teeth? Do you avoid smiling and cover your mouth when laughing? If any of these statements sound like you, it’s time to take your smile back as your own so you can get back to enjoying life!

Crooked and misaligned teeth can be a thing of the past thanks to Invisalign. This orthodontic solution uses a set of clear aligners to gradually move teeth into proper position. If you have put off straightening your teeth out of fear of what your smile would like with a mouth full of brackets and wires, then Invisalign is the treatment for you.

Our dentists at Docklands Dental Studio offer this orthodontic solution for teenage and adult patients interested in discreetly straightening their smiles. To learn more about this treatment method, contact our office today online or give us a call at 03 9021 9487.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Before we dive into the logistics of Invisalign, we first need to understand what it is. This orthodontic solution provides each patient with a complete set of clear aligners fashioned to fit seamlessly over your top and bottom teeth. The number of aligners given will depend on the complexity of your treatment. While some patients may need 30 to 40 aligners, others may only need 10 to 20. Each aligner is made from clear and smooth, BPA-free plastic – providing optimal comfort. To ensure the most effective results, aligners should be worn consecutively for two weeks, for at least 20 hours a day. You can remove the aligners when eating and brushing your teeth.

Your Initial Consultation

At your initial consultation, the dentist will perform a series of x-rays to evaluate your smile to make sure you are a good candidate. He or she will also carefully examine your teeth and gums and address any signs of tooth decay or gum disease first. Once it is determined you are a good candidate, digital impressions will be taken and sent to an Invisalign lab where your aligners will be manufactured.

Follow-up Appointment

At your follow-up appointment in about two weeks, the dentist will make sure your first set of aligners fit and explain how to wear and care for your aligners. Some tips to remember include:

  • Remove aligners for eating or drinking anything other than water.
  • Brush and floss your teeth after meals and before reapplying aligners.
  • Carry a toothbrush and toothpaste with you, or have them at your office for easy access. If you are in a position where your teeth cannot be brushed, thoroughly swish your mouth with water before reapplying trays.
  • Wear your aligners at least 20-22 hours a day.
  • Upgrade to the next set of aligners after two weeks of consistent wear.
  • Store your back-up aligners in room temperature.
  • When not wearing your aligners, place them in the plastic container given to you.
  • Clean aligners with cool water and gentle brush strokes. Do not use hot water, as this could warp the plastic.

Every six weeks, you will visit the dentist for follow-up visit so your results can be carefully monitored. Use this as an opportunity to ask any questions so the dentist can address any of your concerns and correct any misconceptions.

What’s So Great About Invisalign?

Besides their clear aesthetics, Invisalign aligners come with many great advantages compared to traditional metal braces. Some of these benefits include:

Improved Comfort

Traditional metal brace have protruding brackets and wires that can cause gum irritation and uncomfortable sores. Although you will experience some minor soreness as a result of your teeth moving into position with Invisalign, because the aligners are smooth and fit seamlessly over your teeth, they are much more comfortable. Who knew that comfort and orthodontics could be used in the same sentence?

No Food Restrictions

When wearing traditional braces, there are certain foods that must be avoided as they can cause damage to the brackets and wires. Some of these foods include caramels, popcorn, corn chips, nuts, hard candy, pretzels, and ice. Since Invisalign aligners are removable, you can keep enjoying all your favorite foods and beverages without fear of damaging your orthodontics.

More Convenient Treatment

Because aligners are given to you upfront, it is up to you to change out aligners every two weeks. This cuts back on the need for follow-up appointments every four weeks – as is the case with traditional braces since the doctor must adjust wires. Appointments with Invisalign are generally needed every six to eight weeks, making it more convenient for the patient.

Faster Results

Invisalign works much faster. People who choose traditional braces to straighten teeth will wear them anywhere from 18 months to about three years. On average, aligners produce results in about 12 months. That means if you started wearing your aligners today, you could have a brand-new smile within the year.


Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of Invisalign is that they aligners are removable. While beneficial for eating, this is especially convenient for patients who have a special speaking engagement, photo session, or event where they don’t want their orthodontics to get in the way. All you have to do is simply remove the trays for the occasion and place them back immediately afterwards, and no one will know any different.

Is Invisalign Expensive?

At Docklands Dental Studio, we believe that cost should never be an inhibitor to receiving the care you deserve. To make treatment more attainable, we offer zipMoney and DentiCare payment plans that break down your treatment costs into reasonable monthly payments with zero percent interest. Think about it this way: You can receive Invisalign for just $4 to $16/day depending on the system chosen.

Want to Learn More?

If you are interested in achieving a straighter smile in 2018, we invite you to schedule a consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists today. Your plan will be tailored to your specific needs, and we can even build in teeth whitening at the completion of your treatment to reveal even more dramatic results. Contact our office today online or give us a call at 03 9021 9487 to schedule your consultation.

If you are in Port Melbourne or South Wharf, it’s quite easy to get to our dental practice via the Web Bridge (foot or bike) or Wurundjeri Way (by car).


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