You’d be lying if you said you’ve never had bad breath (halitosis). For example, “morning breath” is unavoidable for most people, as a natural result of reduced saliva production overnight. Certain strong-smelling foods leave an odor in the mouth as well, such as garlic, onions, and curry.

But bad breath should always be monitored, as it can indicate far more than a smelly lunch. Some oral health conditions can cause bad breath, including gum disease and tooth decay. It may also be a sign of a medical condition, such as acid reflux or diabetes. Most halitosis can be treated, however, by eliminating the root cause of the odor: bacteria.

If you suspect you might have a case of halitosis, call Docklands Dental Studio today at (03) 9021-9487 for a check-up with one of our dentists. Our dental practice serves Port Melbourne, North Melbourne, Melbourne, and Southbank.

hands covering mouth

Many Causes of Bad Breath

  • food
  • tobacco and alcohol products
  • bacteria (occasional or chronic oral health conditions)
  • medical conditions (acid reflux, diabetes, xerostomia, etc.)
  • tonsil stones
  • medications
  • fasting and dieting

Gum Disease and Tooth Decay

Two very serious conditions that can cause bad breath are tooth decay and gum disease, a category that includes gingivitis and periodontitis. In both cases, the source of the offending odors is bacteria.

If a cavity is big enough, it’s possible to smell the overgrowth of bacteria and decayed tooth matter. Good oral hygiene and regular preventive dental treatments, such as dental cleanings, sealants, and fluoride gel, are the best way to prevent this from happening. During six-month visits, dentists at Docklands Dental Studio will examine and clean your teeth carefully and restore small cavities with dental fillings before they get large enough to stink.

Another possible cause of halitosis is gum disease, which is caused by bacterial growth in the mouth, especially in periodontal pockets where gum tissue meets the teeth. When you brush and floss your teeth, most bacteria are removed. But if you don’t floss regularly, bacterial growth can lead to chronic gum infection. And that stinks. Other signs of gum disease include bleeding, swollen, or red-colored gums.

Cavities can be filled, but gum disease cannot be “cured.” However, its symptoms can be managed with periodontal treatments and medication. If you suspect you may have gum disease, don’t delay your treatment, as it’s the number one cause of tooth loss.

Another oral health condition that’s known to cause bad breath is tonsil stones (tonsilloliths). These small white lumps form on the tonsils and are generally believed to be harmless, if malodorous. When you have an oral health exam at Docklands Dental Studio, we will also check for tonsil stones if you have bad breath, and make recommendations for treating the condition, if present.

Dry Mouth (Xerostomia)

Both gum disease and tooth decay are more likely to occur if you suffer from Xerostomia, or dry mouth. It may seem only a minor annoyance, but dry mouth robs your teeth of their most important natural defense against bacteria: your saliva. The most common cause of xerostomia is prescription and over-the-counter medications. If you take a drug that lists dry mouth as a side effect, you might notice your mouth feeling dry and sticky. You might also find yourself drinking small sips of water throughout the day, or sporadically suffering from a dry cough. We highly recommend you see a dentist for treatment if you suffer from dry mouth, as there are products and strategies that can offset its dangers.

We Can Help

Unfortunately, many people with halitosis are entirely unaware of it. Our sense of smell can adapt to its environment, (which is why we don’t smell our own homes unless we are returning from a long vacation), so we rarely detect our own odors. It’s not exactly polite to ask someone to smell your breath, and only our closest of friends might tell us if we have halitosis. Luckily, dentists have no such qualms—we will tell you if we notice bad breath!

If you have bad breath that doesn’t go away, we can conduct an oral health exam to determine the cause. For conditions such as gum disease, tooth decay, and tonsil stones—we will recommend treatments to control the bacterial growth causing unpleasant odors. This will help you maintain healthy teeth and gums, to keep your breath fresh and sweet.

If you suspect you might have chronic halitosis, call Docklands Dental Studio today at (03) 9021-9487 for a check-up with one of our dentists. Our dental practice serves Port Melbourne, North Melbourne, Melbourne, and Southbank.