Is it a sinus headache or a toothache? Our dentists can help you determine which it is and how to treat it. It happens to the best of us: your head hurts, but you can’t tell exactly what’s causing your discomfort. Two of the most common causes for this unpleasant sensation are your sinuses and your teeth, which are actually closely connected to each other. Your sinuses are the mucous-lined cavities that allow your nose to drain and function properly. According to Dental Care Matters, “very often, the roots of the top back teeth lie very close to the sinuses” so “it can be very difficult for your brain to tell the difference between a sinus headache and toothache!” It can be quite challenging to pinpoint the source of inflammation, pressure, or soreness in this general vicinity. However, you can’t decide on an appropriate course of treatment if you don’t determine the cause of your discomfort. Dr. Pia Oparkcharoen is committed to helping our patients understand and improve their oral and overall wellbeing. Read on to learn the telltale signs that can help you answer the age-old question: “is it a sinus headache of a toothache?”

Sinus Signs

You may be able to figure out what’s causing your headache by considering other factors. For example, your symptoms are most likely due to a sinus headache if:

  • You suffer from allergies. Do you typically have hay fever during a particular season? Have you recently been around a flower, food, animal dander, or chemical substance you’re allergic to? If so, your discomfort most likely isn’t tooth-related.
  • You’ve been diagnosed sinus polyps (small growths) or any other Ear, Nose, and Throat issue that could obstruct your sinuses.
  • You currently have or have recently suffered from a flu or cold. This could cause your sinus passages to fill with mucous and give you a headache.

Dental Discomfort

It’s also entirely possible that the aching sensation in your cheeks is the result of oral health problems. You may be suffering from a toothache, and not a sinus headache, if:

  • You’ve recently injured your face. This could have damaged your teeth and gums, leading to swelling, infection, or decay.
  • You notice inflammation or discoloration in your gums, especially if this is localized to a particular area. You may be dealing with a tooth root infection or even an abscess (a pocket of pus that can form around a diseased tooth).
  • One or more of your teeth appear darker. Cracks or chips in your enamel could also be signs that your tooth is the cause for your discomfort.

Could it Be Both?

Is it possible that you’re suffering from a sinus headache and a toothache simultaneously? Unfortunately, yes. Swollen sinus passages can put undue pressure on the your back teeth’s nerves, irritating them. Likewise, if your teeth or gums become diseased, bacteria can travel to your sinus passages, causing an infection in both at the same time.

Treatment Options

Dr. Pia will diagnose the cause of your discomfort and recommend an appropriate treatment accordingly. If your sinuses are the source of your soreness, we may suggest that you take decongestant or antibiotic medications, using a humidifier, or, in severe cases, seeing a specialist for further assistance. If we determine that you are suffering from a toothache, we will perform a restorative procedure to correct this condition. For example, we may recommend root canal therapy to treat an infection, a filling to repair decay, or periodontic procedures to improve your gum health.

Docklands Dental Studio Can Help

If you’re not sure if your sinuses or teeth are causing your symptoms, we can help you identify the true source of your discomfort so you can treat it. Contact Docklands Dental Studio today to learn more about these conditions or schedule a consultation.