Brunette smiling outdoorsEverybody wants a healthy smile, because our smile is often the first thing people notice about us. We brush our teeth twice a day and floss between them to keep them looking and feeling good. While brushing and flossing help keep our teeth healthy, attending regular checkups with the dentist remains the most important thing you can do for your smile.

Our doctors recommend that most patients attend a dental checkup every six months. Some patients, however, may have issues that require them to attend checkups more often. This includes patients at high risk for developing dental diseases, including pregnant women, smokers, and those with weak immune systems. The doctors may recommend that these patients attend a checkup every three to four months.

To learn more about the benefits of regular dental checkups, feel free to contact our Docklands dental office today at (03) 9021-9487.

What to Expect During Your Checkup

A dental checkup allows our doctors to stay up to date with your dental health and hygiene. Typically, your checkup will consist of x-rays, a cursory examination by the dentist, a more detailed exam with the doctor, and your professional cleaning.


Our doctors use x-rays to help discover things like tooth decay hidden between teeth or below the gums, signs of periodontal disease, and misalignment issues. We use digital x-rays in our office, exposing our patients to about 80 percent less radiation than traditional x-rays require.

Digital x-rays provide the doctors with highly detailed pictures of your entire mouth, allowing them to see the roots of your teeth and the bone around them. They also help the doctors monitor the development of our younger patients’ teeth as they come in.


You will receive an examination from both an experienced dentists. The dentist will perform the initial examination of your teeth and gums, documenting any changes in your oral health or hygiene since your last visit, and taking note of any possible problems.

The dentist will then perform a more detailed examination, looking for signs of cavities, screening for oral cancer, and measuring any pockets between your teeth and gums.

During this examination, the dentist may use several tools, such as a probe for measuring the gum pockets, an exploring tool, and a dental mirror. If you have anxiety issues about any of these tools or procedures, let the doctor or dentist know, and we will explain your sedation options.

Professional Dental Cleaning

A dental cleaning, or prophylaxis, involves the removal of plaque, tartar, and stains from the teeth. Plaque, a sticky film of bacteria and sugars, causes cavities and gum disease. If not removed daily through brushing and flossing, plaque can harden into tartar, or calculus. Even patients who brush and floss regularly experience some buildup of plaque and tartar around their gums and in between their teeth.

The dentist will use a hooked instrument called a scaler to gently remove plaque and tartar deposits from the surface of your teeth and around your gum line. The dentist will then polish your teeth with an abrasive paste, removing minor stains from your teeth. This also provides a smooth surface on your teeth that makes it difficult for bacteria to gather there. Our doctors typically recommend a fluoride treatment after your cleaning, to help strengthen the enamel of your teeth and guard them against attacks from decay.

Call Us Today

If you have not had a dental checkup in a while, call our Docklands dental office today at (03) 9021-9487 and schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.